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Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms & Conditions that are designed for your protection and to help ensure you get the most from your Training Support.


Payment Arrangement:

The total cost of your service is to be paid at least 3 working days prior to the first appointment. (Invoices will be released on a periodic basis as requested and will be sent by email through QuickBooks Online).



Please be aware that any and all materials remain the intellectual property of Charlotte Bates/Canny Canines. Therefore, it is prohibited to share or publish any written material (including that received electronically) without prior permission.


Please ensure that you do not attempt to Train, advise or otherwise disseminate teaching to others.


Canny Canines is committed to your Privacy. We have systems in place to curate and safeguard your personal information. We do not share any specifics of your individual Program with anyone else as it has been designed for you and your dog(s) alone. We commit to adhere to professional standards of confidentiality.

The Company respects your privacy in accordance with the GDPR, and we must insist that you also respect our privacy, as well as that of your fellow participants. Nothing revealed to you by another participant in the Program may be shared, duplicated, disseminated, distributed, or otherwise disclosed in any part for any reason to third parties unless such disclosure (a) has full permission from the discloser, (c) is required by valid legal process (whereby You agree to provide prompt written notice of such legal process to Canny Canines so that we can take appropriate legal action to protect Canny Canines’ interests). You further agree that any violation of the terms of this Section 5 will cause substantial and irreparable harm to Charlotte Bates/Canny Canines and that we are entitled to seek any form of legal redress available, which may include injunctive relief and substantial damages. By signing below, you acknowledge that all confidential material and information revealed to you is and remains the sole intellectual property of The Company or the participant who revealed it.


Welfare Policy:

Canny Canines does not endorse nor utilise the use of fear, pain or intimidation to illicit compliance from a dog. Methods of this type include but are not limited to: hitting, restraining, jerking the lead, choking, and physical force.

Equipment of this type includes, but is not limited to: choke chains, half chokes/martingale collars, electric collars, spray collars, slip leads, tightening harnesses, head collars, prong/pinch collars, pet correctors/spray bottles of any kind.

These lists are not exhaustive. If these methods are used, I will suggest and demonstrate alternatives that can be used.


In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary to use the least invasive, minimally aversive method to protect the safety and security of a dog or owner. In the event this is necessary, it will be done in a controlled manner and discussed with the owner, prior to usage.


Canny Canines reserves the Right to curtail and/or sever programs with Clients who fail to adhere to the above principals regarding Welfare.                                           


Termination of Services:

Canny Canines reserves the right to terminate our services at our sole discretion.  In the event of termination, no refund of previously made payments will be offered.  Outstanding fees will be canceled.

Grounds for Termination include but are not limited to:

  • Failure to adhere to the Welfare Standards stipulated and agreed within this document.

  • Failure to follow program directives

  • Failure to adhere to the Confidentiality Stipulations outlined and agreed within this document.

  • Behaviour detrimental to group activities.


Complaints Procedure:

Please discuss any concerns with Charlotte in the first instance. Complaints are an opportunity for improvement, which are embraced by Canny Canines. We take time to understand the customer’s unique perspective, encourage open lines of communication to resolve the issue, and ensure that the solution we have created solves the client’s problem long term and leaves them feeling listen to, valued and appreciated. In the very rare case of not being able to resolve a problem, clients are encouraged to contact the Financial Ombudsman, and we will provide detailed documentation to support.


Cancellations Procedure:

If you need to cancel an individual session please advise by phone and/or email as soon as possible.  Every effort will be made to reschedule your appointment as quickly as possible; we cannot guarantee the time period within which this will be possible.  

Cancellations made with less than 1 working day's notice (excluding weekends and Bank holidays), will incur a 100% fee of the cost of the appointment, or 100% of the time deducted from your next appointment (if applicable). 

Cancellations made with less than 2 working day's notice (excluding weekends and Bank holidays), will incur a £25 fee to cover admin costs and time lost.


If you need to cancel an entire series of arranged dates; we will offer rescheduled dates within 2 months, dependent on capacity at the time of your cancellation.


If Canny Canines needs to cancel an individual or series of sessions, we will make every effort to reschedule your outstanding appointments within a reasonable time frame. Should any such proposed delay be considered by Canny Canines to be detrimental to your dog’s Welfare, we will refer you to an alternative Practitioner(s).


Refund Policy:

No refunds will be made on sessions which have taken place, except where they are covered by the money back guarantee clause (below).


Refunds will be offered for individual or series of pre-paid sessions in the event that Canny Canines has had to withdraw their services through circumstances beyond their control under the following conditions:

  • Where you have been referred to an alternate Practitioner

  • If Canny Canines is unable to offer alternate dates within a period of 3 months from your last due appointment.

If you decide to terminate your package, refunds will not be provided under any circumstances.

If you do not make reasonable efforts to arrange an appointment within 8 weeks of your previous appointment, Canny Canines reserves the right to terminate our services and refunds will not be provided.

The Results Promised:

Please be aware that your individual plan is a living document and is subject to change. No guarantee is made on individual outcomes. Outcomes will not be predicted for individual dogs as they are contingent on many different and variable factors. All Training/Behaviour modification is acquired at different rates of time dependent on each dog.


Money back Guarantee:

This is intended to provide clients with the reassurance that an improvement in the dog’s behaviour will take place following the assessment/initial consultation and 5 in-person sessions of at least 1 hour each within an 8-week timeframe. In order to eligible for this, owners must be able to evidence the adherence to the advice given through the completion of daily journals, video recording the rehearsal of the training – allowing for, and following the feedback provided by Canny Canines – or any other method of record keeping that unequivocally supports the adherence to the professional advice provided by Canny Canines. Canny Canines will also record the improvement and adherence to advice in the form of note taking, stored in line with GDPR. Please refer to the above ‘Results Promised’ for our stance on the guarantee of specific results.


Advice not Given:

While Charlotte Bates/Canny Canines takes a keen interest in medical, and nutritional issues, we are not a veterinarian or qualified nutritionist. Any opinions offered should not be taken as fact without seeking appropriate veterinary or nutritional therapeutic advice. Any information given is not intended as such.


Veterinary Referrals

Canny Canines takes a holistic approach to training and behaviour modification and understands that behaviour and health are often linked. We agree to discuss with you any concerning observations, or reports from you, that may affect your dog’s health and therefore behaviour.


On occasion, you may be advised to seek veterinary or other specialist advice to aid in the training and behaviour modification process by Canny Canines. If necessary, Canny Canines agrees to write a report for your vet to assist you with this. Canny Canines agrees to cooperate fully with any other therapists working with your dog.

Should any behaviour or anything you report cause concern, we will discuss this with you and will refer you back to your vet. If necessary, this may mean postponing further appointments. Failure to seek veterinary advice after being explicitly advised to do so, will void the money back guarantee. You will be provided prior notice of this.


Entire Agreement:

The Terms of this Agreement constitute the Entire Agreement between Charlotte Bates/Canny Canines and you and supersede any prior or contemporaneous written, oral or implied agreement related to the services. If any of this agreement is unenforceable such portion shall be severed and the remainder of this Agreement shall be fully enforceable. 


Governing Law:

The construction, interpretation and application of the terms and this Agreement are governed by the Laws of England, UK without regard to its conflict of law rules.


By booking your appointment, you agree and accept that you have read the foregoing terms and conditions.

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